For our Long Haul series of videos our hypothesis is that presenting the Eatwell Guides (Standard, Vegetarian and Vegan) in a video format will improve the health of those with long haul conditions in the here and now.
Due to a lack of NHS funding and non-dietetic priorities, many people cannot access a local Dietetic service to guide them to eat well and make choices appropriate to their health conditions.
For a long time, I have thought that patients could be helped by educational, supportive dietetic videos that can be accessed remotely and from the comfort of their own home. I have been unsuccessful in securing NHS funding in each of the following specialist areas:
Different NICE Guidelines detail the importance of eating well according to the NHS Eatwell Guide following diagnosis, at annual reviews, and as part of treatment (e.g. NICE Guideline NG206 for the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS at 1.3.1 and 1.12.19; NICE Guideline NG220 for the Management of Multiple Sclerosis in Adults at 1.5.8).
From my years of experience of working in the NHS, I think we overestimate the understanding and ability of patients to implement this and underestimate the power of eating well to help or hinder health in the here and now.
I am now creating a series of videos to provide education in a way that offers empathy and encouragement and aims to empower people to make and maintain positive dietary change.
I see the videos of each series being positioned as: