Our videos contain excellent information which we hope will empower you to make dietary change as and when you need to. However, long haul health conditions can often bring additional challenges such as unwanted weight gain, unplanned weight loss, IBS symptoms and food hypersensitivity and so you may feel you need individual support to help you navigate your journey of eating well.
My passion and dietetic expertise is in the area of weight management, so I am especially qualified to help you if you are experiencing unwanted weight gain.
I have also have experience in a wealth of dietetic areas so if you would like to discuss any dietetic issue, then please do book a Discovery Call.
At the Discovery Call I aim to help you confirm the nature of the problem for which you are seeking Dietetic support. I aim to ensure that you feel heard, listened to and understood. By the end of the Call I hope you will feel clear about what to do next.
Following on from your Discovery Call, we begin our journey together. At the Initial Appointment I will listen to you with the aim of understanding what has led you to where you are now, the current situation in which you find yourself and what you are hoping to achieve. All of these will impact on your desired destination and the pace of your dietetic journey to get there.
After the appointment, my hard work begins! I will use all the information we have discussed to define your unique Nutrition and Dietetic Diagnosis and propose a strategy to enable you to reach your destination. This will be in the form of a written report - and can be likened to a map for your dietetic journey. Using this, we will then agree the first dietetic steps that you need to take.
Each Review Consultation is unique to you and what you would like to talk about. However, typically an appointment includes discussing and reviewing dietetic steps, and agreeing new steps if you need to take them.
This shorter Review Consultation is typically for you when we're nearing the end of our journey together. Or it can be ideal if you would find a regular "coffee stop" dietetic review helpful for your long haul journey.
My honest hope is that our work together will empower you so that you don't need me!
But this is one very good reason why we are creating the Videos - so that I can be "the Dietitian by your side" to encourage you on those days you need that extra support.