In the top right corner of your browser, there is an icon (similar to one pictured to the right)which can be used to create an account. If you haven't created an account already, if you click on the icon, you will presented with 4 options:
Click on "Create an Account". This will take you to the next step where you will be asked for you First and Last Names, and Email Address and Phone Number (the last of which is optional). Also, if you click the small box below that, you will also be signed up for promotional emails but again, this is optional.
Finally, click the "Create an Account" button and you will then get a notification to check your email which is the final step to activate your new account. Follow the steps in the email and if you haven't created a password for our website, you will be asked to create one or failing that, use the reset password option. Once you have completed these steps - that's it! Welcome to The Long Haul Dietitian!
For the next time you login, simply use the sign in option and once you are signed in, you can review your bookings or any other details on your account. We also plan discounts and specials in the future targeted at those who we have had register.